Thierry Meyer
My main current research interests are: (1) attitudes about risk and risk communication (processing of messages about health, warnings about future risk, etc.); (2) self-regulation and performance (effects of self-efficacy, habits, control motivation, trust, stereotypes, expertise, etc.); and (3) sensory processes as antecedents and consequences of attitudes and decision making in natural settings.
With my graduate students, I am working both in lab and field settings (public health, driving and transportation, consumer decision making, food industry, energy saving). I especially like theory-driven research in applied fields.
I also have a general interest in research methods in social psychology and applied experimental psychology.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Health Psychology
- Internet and Virtual Psychology
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Motivation, Goal Setting
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Persuasion, Social Influence
- Research Methods, Assessment
- Social Cognition
Research Group or Laboratory:
- Laboratoire Parisien de Psychologie Sociale (EA 4386)
- Delhomme, P., & Meyer, T. (2002). La recherche en psychologie sociale: Projet, méthodes et techniques [Research in social psychology]. Paris: Armand Colin.
- Meyer T. (Ed.). (2005). Psychologie sociale. Paris: Hachette.
- Meyer, T., & Reniers, G. (2022). Engineering risk management (3rd ed.). De Gruyter Textbook.
Journal Articles:
- Bry, C., Follenfant, A., & Meyer, T. (2008). Blonde like me: When self-construals moderate stereotype priming effects on intellectual performance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 751-757.
- Bry, C., Meyer, T., Oberlé, D., & Gherson, T. (2009). Effect of priming cooperation or individualism on a collective and interdependent task: Changeover speed in the 4x100m relay race. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 31, 380-389.
- Delhomme, P., & Meyer, T. (1998). Control motivation and young drivers decision making. Ergonomics, 41, 373-393.
- Goncalves, I., Verlhiac, J.-F., Meyer, T. & Hutchison, P. (2012). Terror Management Theory and biculturalism: When the salience of cultural duality affects worldview defense in the face of death. European Psychologist, 17, 237-245.
- Kergoat, M., Giboreau, A., Nicod, H., Faye, P., Diaz, E., Beetschen, M. A., Gerritsen, M., & Meyer, T. (2010). Psychographic measures and sensory consumer tests: When emotionalexperience and feeling-based judgments account for preferences. Food Quality & Preferences, 21, 178-187.
- Kergoat, M, Giboreau, A., Nicod, H., Faye, P., Diaz, E., Beetschen, M.A., & Meyer, T. (2012), Consumer preference for tactile softness: a question of affect intensity? Journal of Sensory Studies, 27, 232–246.
- Legal, J. B., & Meyer T. (2009). Nonconscious goal pursuit and self-efficacy: Independent contributions to motor performance. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 108, 383-391.
- Légal, J. B., Meyer, T., & Delouvée, S. (2007). Compatibility of non conscious primes and conscious conscious behavioral goals: The case of a motor task. Current Research in Social Psychology, 12, 80-90.
- Meyer, T. (2000). Le modèle de traitement heuristique systématique de l'information: Motivations multiples et régulation du jugement en cognition sociale. L'Année Psychologique, 100, 527-563. [A review of the Heuristic Systematic Model]
- Meyer, T. (1994). Subjective importance of goal and reactions to waiting in line. Journal of Social Psychology, 134(6), 819-828.
- Meyer, T., & Rodon, C. (2004). Trouver sur Internet une réponse à une question. Hermes, 39, 27-34.
- Rodon, C., & Meyer T.(2012). Searching information on the Web and Planning Fallacy : A pilot investigation of pessimistic forecasts. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée./European Review of Applied Psychology, 62,103-109.
- Rubio, B., Rigal, N., Boireau-Ducept, N., Mallet, P., & Meyer, T. (2008). Measuring willingness to try new foods: A self-report questionnaire for French-speaking children. Appetite, 50, 408-414.
- Verlhiac, J.-F, Chappé J., & Meyer. T. (2011) Do Threatening Messages Change Intentions to Give Up Tobacco Smoking? The Role of Argument Framing and Pictures of a Healthy Mouth Versus an Unhealthy Mouth. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 2104–2122
Other Publications:
- Cestac J., & Meyer, T (2010). Des attitudes à la prédiction du comportement: le modèle du comportement planifié, In P. Morchain, & A. Somat (Ed.) La psychologie sociale : applicabilité et applications (pp. 55-86). Rennes : PU Rennes.
- Delhomme, P., & Meyer, T. (2004). Risk taking and self-efficacy among young male drivers: Self-efficacy and changing task demands. In T. Rothengatter & R. D. Huguenin (Eds.), Traffic and transport psychology: Theory and application (pp. 135-146). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Delhomme, P., Vaa, T., Meyer, T., Goldenbeld, C., Jarmark, S., Christie, N., Harland, G., & Vlasta, R. (1999). Evaluated road safety campaigns: An overview of 265 campaigns and some meta-analysis on accidents. In Guiding Automobilists Through Technology & Education. European Commission. Brussels, EC-DGVII. Deliverable 4. Contract R0-97-SC.2235.
- Meyer, T. (2008). Cognition motivée: Une illustration à propos de la communication des risques et du changement d’attitude. In P. Carré & F. Fenouillet. (Eds.), Traité de psychologie de la motivation (pp. 273-288). Paris: Dunod.
Courses Taught:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Consumer Psychology: From Affect to Behavior
- Psychology of Risk, Environment & Prevention
- Research Methods in Psychology: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design
Thierry Meyer
Département de Psychologie
Université Paris Nanterre
200, av. de la République
92001 Nanterre
- Work: 33 1 40 97 75 22
- Mobile: 33 6 86 81 18 65
- Fax: 33 1 40 97 71 58
- Skype Name: meyerparisouest